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Chimney sweep

Stoves & standard firplaces £55

(inc. smoke draw test and safety certificate)

Access hatch

Remove soot through access hatch £60

(inc. smoke draw test and safety certificate)

Bird nest removal

Removal £75

(if takes longer than an hour a charge of £20/hour there after)


If a chimney has not been swept for a considerable time an additional charge may be required

Cowl Installation

Satinless steel chimney cowl installation £125

(for roofs that can be accessed by ladder)

Disused Chimney

Capping disused chimney pot £85

(for roofs that can be accessed by a ladder)

Stove service

Checking stove for signs of wear and tear, replacing fire rope/glass - price confirmed once stove viewed


Chimney issues that need assessing, we can inspect and advise the best course of action

Smoke test - all doors and windows in the room are closed and the flue is warmed. After 10 minutes, a smoke pellet is lit in the fireplace. The smoke is observed for any leakage back into the room and a door or window is opened to see if the additional ventilation speeds up the smoke.

Safety Certificate - All qualified chimney sweeps provide a certificate on completion of their work. This is for the homeowner’s peace of mind and to fulfil insurance conditions.

The Institute of Chimney Sweeps (ICS) provides lots of information - Chimney Sweep Best Practises, F&Q's and which woods to burn -

All ICS members provide a clean and conscientious service and can offer advice on any chimney problem. Once swept a Chimney Safety Certificate will be issued, which is a necessary compliance for many home insurance companies.

 Call to book a sweep - 01508 471226 or 07964480282 
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